Annual Report 2022

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2021 was another difficult year for everyone, including Scouting. Our second lockdown ran from December 2020 to the end of March 2021; no face to face meetings until April 2021, no Church Parades, St Georges Day Parade was cancelled again, and still no camping!

Nevertheless, the Group is still thriving with plenty of Beavers, Cubs and Scouts despite losing a few along the way during the lockdown. We had still managed to retain most of our Leaders too, although we lost a couple at the end of December 2021 and thank them for all their help over the years. Income has continued to flow from our Nursery tenants, which greatly sup- ports our activities.

Many thanks to all the Leaders, and the time and effort they put into making the 5th Potters Bar a large and successful Group. Thanks to all the parents who have served on the Executive Committee.

We are extremely short of Leaders for our Beaver Section (6-8 yrs), and this restricts the number of young people we can allow to join Beavers. At the moment, our waiting list for Beavers is four times the size of the actual number of Beavers attending at the moment. If you know of anyone who can help run Beavers on a Monday 6-7pm please contact me at