Burn’s Night Supper & Ceilidh

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Date         Saturday 24th January 2015 7.30pm

Venue      Elm Court Youth & Community Centre

                 Mutton Lane, Potters Bar

Cost       £16


Following the success for our Burns Night celebration last January 2014, we are proposing to hold another on 24th Jan 2015.

The Burn’s Night Supper will be a traditional Haggis, Tatties & Neaps meal with a Piper & Recital of Robbie Burns poems, followed by a traditional Ceilidh with a live band leading the dancing!

Tickets from Chris Brunning – tell your family and friends

**Potters Bar Santa Dash 2014 **

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Do YOU want  to have some festive fun, whilst raising money for good causes?


If that answer’s a yes (and we hope it is)  then we ask  Scouts, family, friends &  general members of the public for your help in making this Santa run an event to remember.


We are the Potters Bar International team, raising money for scouts going on an expeditions to Africa & to the world scout Jamboree in 2015; and we are  hosting a 5K Santa dash through Potters Bar on Sunday 7th December – 10:00 am  – 13:00 pm 

You enter yourself – we supply the santa suit, finishers medal and race number. The remainder of your entry fee will go to supporting the scouts so they can partake in these expeditions.


All that’s left for you to do is  to get some sponsorship – and then make it to the finish line –  and  raise some vital money for a cause that is special to YOU.


Early Bird offer: Tickets are £12.50  until 1st November

Tickets will be £15 thereafter

Santa’s little helpers (children under 11 yrs) – £3


Tickets are available from the link below:


Family Camp 2014 & 75th Anniversary Hog Roast – Not To Be Missed!!

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Dates:  Friday 27th June 6PM   ->   Sunday 29th June  4PM (approx)

Venue: Tolmers Scout Campsite, Tolmers Road, Cuffley, Herts

Cost:     First 3 Members of family – £35 pp

Subsequent members of family – £25 pp

Children under 6  –  £10 pp


You are invited to fun and activity filled weekend of camping , where members of the group can camp accompanied by parents, brothers sisters etc.

It will give family members a taste of the scout ‘experience’ – introducing them to the methods of the association and strengthening the links between Beavers, Cubs and Scouts.

Each family will camp as a family, but cooking (and eating) will be done centrally – as will the activities of which there are many

There are numerous activities planned over that weekend – some of the ones available are: orienteering, pioneering, canoeing, craftwork, pedal cars, photo hunt, bungee run and many more.

You may camp in your own tent as a family, but don’t be put off if you do not own a tent as the group are able to lend you one. Tolmers campsite is at the end of Tolmers Road in Cuffley (about 15 mins drive from Potters Bar) and is about 100 acres of prime camping grassland with a little bit of woodland


This Family camp is also a bit more special than other ones as we will be celebrating our 75th anniversary as a scout group with a lamb & pig roast evening. This will involve a reunion of past & present members and leaders, as well as games for the younger members.

An evening not to be missed!

A limited number of places have been booked for this camp  –   if you would like to attend please print off the family camp form in the downloads section, fill it out and either bring it to scouts or give directly to Chris Brunning.

The cut -off date for bookings is the 23rd of May 2014 – further details will be issued upon receipt of payment


Summer Camp 2014 – Lake District

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Dates:   Saturday 26th July 2014   -> Sun 3rd August  (9 Days)

Venue:   Waterside House Farm, Howton Road, Pooley Bridge, Penrith, Cumbria, CA10 2NA

Cost: £240


This is it – the big one, the highlight of the 5th Potters Bar scouting calendar – and definitely one not to be missed!

Summer Camp this year will be in a rather large undulating field by Ullswater in the Lake District.

This will be a chance to put into practice the scouting skills you have learnt during the course of your time with us; as well as making new friends and encountering the unique scout camping experience.

Some of the activities we intend to organise include – canoeing, swmming, hill walking, wide games , pioneering, rock climbing, sailing & a cooking competition.

All scouts taking part in this camp have been issued with further information (kitlist, health form etc)

However, we intend to have camp information downloadable from the website in the very near future so you can just print new ones if the originals get lost.


summer camp

Whitsun Camp 2014

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Dates:   Thursday 29th May  ->  Sunday 1st June

Venue:   Phasels Wood Scout Campsite, Rucklers Lane, Kings Langley, Herts, WD4 9NA

Cost: £44


A nice warm-up camp for the big event which is Summer Camp.

Whistun this year will be at Phasels Wood and there will be many activities avalable, such as: Canoeing, climbing, orienteering, cresta run, potholing, air rifle shooting and many others

The campsite itself is just pf the A41 off the M25 – about a 25 minute drive from Potters Bar

The deadline for this camp was the 2nd of May

If you have paid please contact Scout leader Chris Brunning for further details


whitsun camp 2005 003

75th Aniversary Burns Night & Ceilidh

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Saturday 25th January 2014 7.30pm


Venue                           Elm Court Youth & Community Centre

                                      Mutton Lane, Potters Bar

Cost                              £15 


In 2014 the 5th Potters Bar Scout Group will be 75 years old and to mark the occasion and celebrate – we will be holding a Burns Night Supper & Celidh

The Burn’s Night Supper will be a traditional Haggis, Tatties & Neaps meal with a Piper & Recital of  Robbie Burns poems, followed by a traditional Ceilidh with a live band leading the dancing!

Traditional Scottish dress is optional, try and wear something tartan!

If you wish to book a ticket please contact Chris Brunning on 07803154046 OR E-mail: scoutleaders@5pbscouts.co.uk

We look forward to seeing you all there

Calendar Updates

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We’ve updated the calendar with our September programme. To view all events either click on ‘calendar’ in the top navigation or on ‘view all future events…’ at the bottom of the  ‘upcoming meetings  & events’  box.



5pb leaders